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When was the last time you replaced your bed or mattress? Many of us buy one, and then rarely think about ever replacing it.
But did you know that an old bed can actually be damaging to your health and well-being? Thankfully there are a number of clues that can help you decide when the time is right for a new bed...
Back pain affects many people in the UK, and there are a variety of reasons why it may occur. While there are several lifestyle changes you can make to improve your back health, did you know that the very place where you relax in the evenings or at the weekends could actually be making things worse?
That's right; when you wind down by watching TV on your sofa or reading the newspaper in your favourite armchair, you may actually be doing more harm than good.
When you come to buy a mattress, it might not be as straight forward as you think. There are a number of different options available, as well as many extra features that you might not understand.
Although a good quality mattress can be a significant initial investment, they are built to last several years. In fact, when the cost is spread over the mattress' lifespan, it could work out at as little as three pence per night. You won't get a night in a luxury hotel room for that money!
It's such a big decision that we've decided to put together this mattress buying guide to help your decision making process.
We spend around a third of our lives asleep, so choosing the right bed is a big deal. There are all sorts of considerations to think about when you come to buy a bed, so to make the process a whole lot easier, we've put together a bed buying guide to help you along the way.
When you buy a sofa, you are making a considerable investment. To choose the right sofa and make sure your money is well spent, you should take a few moments and consider the following points to ensure you buy the right sofa and don't make a purchase that you regret!