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Mattress Guide: How To Choose And Buy The Right Style

When you come to buy a mattress, it might not be as straight forward as you think. There are a number of different options available, as well as many extra features that you might not understand.

Although a good quality mattress can be a significant initial investment, they are built to last several years. In fact, when the cost is spread over the mattress' lifespan, it could work out at as little as three pence per night. You won't get a night in a luxury hotel room for that money!

It's such a big decision that we've decided to put together this mattress buying guide to help your decision making process.

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Sleep Is Vital For Good Memory, New Study Confirms

We're often reminded of the importance of sleep, with many health experts emphasising the importance that rest has on our overall well being. And new study findings have confirmed that sleep does indeed help our memory.

It has long been said that sleep is an important factor in retaining and improving memory, and the new research, published in Science, has backed this up by discovering the way in which brain cells communicate with one another during slumber.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Buying a Bed

We spend around a third of our lives asleep, so choosing the right bed is a big deal. There are all sorts of considerations to think about when you come to buy a bed, so to make the process a whole lot easier, we've put together a bed buying guide to help you along the way.

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How to Improve Your Posture and Reduce Back Pain

Thousands of people suffer from back pain on a daily basis. While it's an infuriating and restrictive experience, there are some simple changes you can make to your lifestyle to offer back pain relief. This can be as easy as taking regular exercise, adjusting your posture, and investing in a good mattress that offers adequate back support.

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Published: 16/04/2014

How To Buy The Right Sofa

How To Buy The Right Sofa

When you buy a sofa, you are making a considerable investment. To choose the right sofa and make sure your money is well spent, you should take a few moments and consider the following points to ensure you buy the right sofa and don't make a purchase that you regret!

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