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6 Health Benefits Of Sleep (According To Science)

Everyone knows that you need sleep. And there are few better feelings in life than sinking into a comfortable bed after a long and tiring day.

But for many people, sleep isn't a priority. The thing is, it should be. There are many health benefits of sleep, so not getting enough can take its toll on your body.

We've pulled back the covers on some of the key advantages of sleep, by looking at some studies and scientific evidence that support each claim.


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Shift Work Sleep Disorder: How To Sleep When You Work Nights

If you work shifts, you probably know how hard it can be to sleep. You might well have suffered from lack of sleep, or at least found yourself struggling to nod off when it's bright daylight outside.

What you might not realise is that there's actually a real condition associated with shift work and sleep patterns. It's called Shift Work Sleep Disorder (SWSD), and it can be a nightmare (excuse the pun) for anyone who suffers.

If you regularly find yourself unable to sleep, or you're simply a shift worker looking for some tips on how to sleep better and avoid SWSD, this is the post for you.

Keep reading to find out what the signs of Shift Work Sleep Disorder are, who's most at risk, and how you can avoid it.


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Space Saving Bedroom Storage Ideas For A Clutter Free Boudoir

No matter how many times you have a clear out, you always seem to need more space in your bedroom.

Small bedrooms can be a nightmare, but even those who have a good sized one can struggle. If you can barely close your drawers, have clothes all over your bedroom floor or your wardrobe rail is creaking under the weight of a million unworn jumpers, this is the post for you.


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12 Signs It's Time To Replace Your Bed

When was the last time you replaced your bed or mattress? Many of us buy one, and then rarely think about ever replacing it.

But did you know that an old bed can actually be damaging to your health and well-being? Thankfully there are a number of clues that can help you decide when the time is right for a new bed...


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16 Productive Study Space Tips For Perfect Exam Preparation

People who are successful in exams tend to have two great advantages over those who don't perform as well:

Firstly, they are well prepared. And secondly, they have a dedicated study space where their preparation takes place.

But you might be wondering how to create a study space at home to give yourself the best preparation ahead of your upcoming exams. This post will make it easy for you.


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