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Showing all posts tagged: Home Inspiration

Space Saving Bedroom Storage Ideas For A Clutter Free Boudoir

No matter how many times you have a clear out, you always seem to need more space in your bedroom.

Small bedrooms can be a nightmare, but even those who have a good sized one can struggle. If you can barely close your drawers, have clothes all over your bedroom floor or your wardrobe rail is creaking under the weight of a million unworn jumpers, this is the post for you.


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16 Productive Study Space Tips For Perfect Exam Preparation

People who are successful in exams tend to have two great advantages over those who don't perform as well:

Firstly, they are well prepared. And secondly, they have a dedicated study space where their preparation takes place.

But you might be wondering how to create a study space at home to give yourself the best preparation ahead of your upcoming exams. This post will make it easy for you.


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How to Prevent Hay Fever and Spring Allergies in Your Home

Fans of the sun, rejoice... Spring is here!

But it's not all good news. With the warmer weather and more sunlight come the dreaded spring allergies such as hay fever. If you're a sufferer of hay fever or any other spring and summer allergies, it can be a frustrating time for you.

Don't worry though, there are many steps you can take to reduce the impact it has on your daily life. And you can also prepare your home to help you avoid hay fever during spring and summer.

To show you how to combat hay fever at home, we've put together this guide.


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Published: 10/02/2015

Interior Design and the Colour Wheel

Interior Design and the Colour Wheel

When you're decorating your house, it can be difficult to envisage the end result ahead of starting your work. How will you know whether your efforts will pay off, that your colour schemes will look good?

There's actually a really useful tool you can use to create attractive colour combinations for your interior design. It's called the colour wheel.

What makes the colour wheel so interesting and helpful is that you can use it in a number of different ways to produce the look you want to achieve. To help you out, we've put together this useful colour wheel guide.

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How To Clean a Sofa or Suite: A Comprehensive Guide

How often do you clean your sofa?

It might be the comfiest seat in the house, but if you don't take good care of it, the sofa can also become the dirtiest.

If you have young children, you'll probably be well used to the spillages and dirt that they can inflict on your suite. Pets can have the same effect, bringing mud and debris in from outside that they transfer to the sofa, or shedding fur over your upholstery.

There's also spillages and accidents.

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15 Tips To Help You Sleep Better During The Summer Nights

We're a funny bunch, us Brits. If we're not complaining about the lack of a summer, we're moaning that it's too hot.

In fairness, while the weather of late has produced some blistering temperatures, it does present a number of difficulties. One of the biggest problems people have faced is sleep. Just how do you get a good night's rest when it's so humid and warm?

Well, aside from pitching up a tent in your back garden as part of a drastic plan to escape the furnace that is your bedroom, there are a few steps you could try to make things more comfortable at night.


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Published: 16/04/2014

How To Buy The Right Sofa

How To Buy The Right Sofa

When you buy a sofa, you are making a considerable investment. To choose the right sofa and make sure your money is well spent, you should take a few moments and consider the following points to ensure you buy the right sofa and don't make a purchase that you regret!

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