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No matter how many times you have a clear out, you always seem to need more space in your bedroom.
Small bedrooms can be a nightmare, but even those who have a good sized one can struggle. If you can barely close your drawers, have clothes all over your bedroom floor or your wardrobe rail is creaking under the weight of a million unworn jumpers, this is the post for you.
When you're decorating your house, it can be difficult to envisage the end result ahead of starting your work. How will you know whether your efforts will pay off, that your colour schemes will look good?
There's actually a really useful tool you can use to create attractive colour combinations for your interior design. It's called the colour wheel.
What makes the colour wheel so interesting and helpful is that you can use it in a number of different ways to produce the look you want to achieve. To help you out, we've put together this useful colour wheel guide.